I love to give and receive comments! I’ve only been writing on medium since June, but I’ve noticed something about those who take the time to comment. They’re the big dogs, the top writers, the writers with a million followers. The young guy with the big black fur hat, the writing coach, the gal who drops the f bomb more times in one story than the years I’ve been alive (74) the sarcastic satirist, and more. I wonder if they know just how much it means to a new writer to get a comment from them. It is so validating, helpful and encouraging. I wish all the writers on this platform would see the value in commenting the way the super stars do! If they can find the time and put in the effort to reach out to new writers, we all can. Thanks to the pros here…you do more for this community than you know! Dare I say…you are good role models? 😉